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Ford GAP Insurance


When it comes to safeguarding your latest investment, MotorEasy Ford GAP Insurance should be your go-to. Whether you're driving a sleek Mustang or a practical Focus, understanding the ins and outs of GAP Insurance ensures you have the right protection. 

At MotorEasy, we've got you covered with cost-effective options, providing up to 75% savings compared to dealer or lender offerings. Explore the details, make informed decisions, and drive with peace of mind.


What is Ford GAP Insurance?

Ford GAP Insurance offers an easy way to bridge the chasm between the original cost of your vehicle and a disappointing pay out from standard insurance policies based on your Ford car’s heavily depreciated market value.

You can learn more in our GAP Insurance guide.


Why do I need GAP Insurance?

The likelihood is that your standard insurance policy won’t come close to covering the cost of a new replacement. Most standard policies only pay out a sum that’s equivalent to the current value of your car. So, many motorists simply aren’t insured to cover the costs of a like-for-like replacement.

Depreciation should be a significant consideration. A car typically loses about 60% of its value over the three years following its original purchase. If your insurance policy only pays out the current value of your car, you could find yourself significantly short of the figure needed to replace your car with the same model.

If you purchased a new Ford Mondeo for £25,000 its value could have depreciated to £10,000 three years later (based on 60% depreciation). Therefore, if you need to make a claim on a three-year-old Mondeo, you may end up with a pay-out that’s £15,000 short of the sum required to replace it with a new model.


What do I get with MotorEasy?

A car’s market value begins to plummet the moment you drive it off the dealership forecourt. So, it makes sense to safeguard the original value of your investment with a MotorEasy GAP Insurance policy.

Our GAP Cover makes even more sense if you’re paying for your car with a leasing arrangement or PCP financing. Both could leave you exposed to considerable debt in the event of a write-off.

Available for all cars up to 8 years old (or with up to 70,000 miles on the clock), MotorEasy GAP Insurance offers a smart, easy, and affordable way to remove the risks associated with standard insurance policies. This will help you to enjoy your Ford safe in the knowledge that it’s comprehensively protected.

  • Covers European road trips
  • Savings on MotorEasy maintenance and repairs
  • FREE MotorEasy account with access to all your car’s details, documents, important reminders, and motoring offers
  • Up to £1000 in motor insurance excesses covered
  • Optional extras and accessories covered (where factory or dealer fitted)


Is Ford GAP Insurance worth it?

GAP Insurance proves its worth when faced with a write-off. Frequently, drivers discover their payout falls considerably short of the funds required for an equivalent replacement. It's a wise move to supplement your coverage, guaranteeing comprehensive protection for those unexpected moments. But how likely is a write-off? Is GAP Insurance necessary?

In fact, write-offs are more common than many imagine - over half a million cars are written off every year. Typically, write-offs are the result of accidental damage. MotorEasy GAP Insurance also covers you against car theft, which accounts for many write-offs every year.


Ford GAP Insurance cost

The cost of your Ford GAP Insurance will depend on your age and the make and model of your car. We make it as easy as possible to find you the perfect quote in seconds.


Getting your GAP Insurance quote

It couldn't be more straightforward to get clued up on the GAP Insurance deals with MotorEasy. Visit our dedicated page for all the information you need, as well as a quick, convenient tool to help you get a quote easily.